PU Prime - Prime Account
About the Prime Account of 加密货币, 外汇, 大宗商品, 股指, 能源, 贵金属 (MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5/No Dealing Desk (NDD)) offered by PU Prime.
交易账户 Details
By opening an Prime Account with PU Prime, you can trade 加密货币, 外汇, 大宗商品, 股指, 能源, 贵金属 through MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 trading platform.
Mainly PU Prime Prime Account offers No Dealing Desk (NDD) execution model, the maximum leverage is 1:500, spread is 点差成本是可变的。 from 0.0 pips.
Available Base Currencies
The account bsse currency is only available in AUD (Australian Dollar), CAD (Canadian Dollar), EUR (Euro), GBP (British Pound), HKD (Hong Kong Dollar), JPY (Japanese Yen), NZD (New Zealand Dollar), SGD (Singapore Dollar), USD (US Dollar) and (or the equivalent amount) is the minimum required deposit amount.
Negative Balance Protection
PU Prime adopts NBP(Negative Balance Protection), this means that you will not lose more than you deposit in your Forex & CFDs investment.
Allow Trading Strategies
PU Prime allows Scalping, Hedging trading in a platform of Prime Account.
The best option for experienced traders who want the most out of forex markets.
Before opening accounts with PU Prime, find out more information and their promotions.
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